Procedure for filling the online application for allotment of Industrial plot/shed/FF shed.

  1. Registration process :- An applicant has to register through online link provided on the website of the Corporation ( or directly through the link:, if not registered earlier. The ‘Register to apply’ link is available in the Advertisement view/ On-going basis Plots section of Applicant/Allottee menu/Main menu.
  2. Registration verification process :- Once registered successfully, an E-mail will be sent to the registered E-mail ID provided during the Step 1, for verifying the login credentials. In case the E-mail is not available in the Inbox, kindly check the same in the Spam/Junk E-mail box. Verify the login credentials by clicking the link provided in this E-mail. The user can now login to the user dashboard with assigned User ID and password through the Login section.
  3. Application submission process :-
    1. The user can open the home page through the
    2. Press the ‘login’ link provided on the upper right corner of the home page.
    3. The user can now login alongwith the credentials provided to him/her at the time of registration process.
    4. After successful login the user will be redirected to the user dashboard where the user can see the menu on the left hand side. The brief description of the menu is as under:-
      1. User information – User can edit/change his/her profile, E-mail and password.
      2. Advertisement details – The user can apply for a new plot/shed/FF shed through this section by clicking the Estate (Industrial Plot) section. User is required to select the appropriate Estate, Project type and Plot size combination.In case applicant is seeking allotment of a particular plot, such plot details are required to be mentioned in the introduction section of project report.
      3. Applied/Allotted plots – The user can view the details of plots/shed/FF shed already applied by him/her. Actions such as editing the application form (if not submitted), tracking the current status of the application, uploading the documents that are required/deficient.
      4. Download the application documents- The following documents viz. Project report (in MS Excel(.xls) file in Microsoft office 2003 or higher version(excel program), Max. size 3 MB), CA certificate confirming past performance details of applicant/sister concern(Max. size 2 MB), CA Certificate of resources of applicant/ promoters (Max. size 2 MB), Scheduled Caste declaration(jpg/pdf format,Max. size 600 KB ), Persons with disability declaration (jpg/pdf format,Max. size 2 MB) can be downloaded through this section. These documents will be required for uploading in the section-4 of the online-application form. The user should also be ready with scanned copy of other relevant documents viz. PAN card of applicant (jpg/pdf format, Max. size 200 KB), photograph of the person submitting the application form (jpg format, Max. size 200 KB), Proposed layout depicting area utilization (A4 size, jpg/pdf format, Max. size 1 MB), partnership deed (jpg/pdf format, Max. size 3 MB), copy of registration certificate of Partnership deed issued by Registrar of Firms (jpg/pdf format, Max. size 1 MB), Scheduled caste certificate (jpg/pdf format, Max. size 600 KB), Disability certificate (jpg/pdf format, Max. size 600 KB), Bank certificate (jpg/pdf format, Max. size 600 KB) confirming remittance of funds from NRE Account of applicant maintained in India or Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate(FIRC) issued by the bank incase of remittance from a bank outside India, Copy of valid passport and visa of NRI/PIO applicants(jpg/pdf format, Max. size 1 MB each), CA certificate of authorized capital, paid up capital, shareholding pattern and directorship status, Certificate of Incorporation in case of Company applicants(jpg/pdf format, Max. size 2 MB) etc. as per the prescribed format/size in advance, for uploading, to avoid any inconvenience.
    5. The application money including processing fee(non-refundable) is required to be deposited through payment gateway/ system generated challan. Payment through any other mode shall not be accepted. Deposit of Lesser amount than the required amount will result in non acceptance/rejection of the application. Please refer to the procedure for making payment for further details.
    6. The application submission process consists of 4 sections:
      1. Section 1 -Additional information: Information about applicant/ proposal. After completing this section, applicant can either proceed to next section by clicking ‘Proceed to bank details’ or can exit for completing the other sections later on by clicking ‘Save & Exit’.
      2. Section 2- Bank Details: Details of Bank Account for refund of Earnest money in case the applicant is un-successful in allotment of plot. After filling in the details the applicant shall require to accept the terms and conditions for allotment of plot/shed/FF shed. After completing this section, applicant can either proceed to next section by clicking ‘Save & Continue’ or can exit for completing the other sections later on by clicking ‘Save & Exit’.
      3. Section 3- Undertakings: Accept all undertakings. After completing this section, applicant can proceed to next section by clicking ‘Save & Continue’. For completing Section 4, applicant is required to first download the forms required to be uploaded in Section-4 through the ‘Download the application documents’ menu on the left hand side of applicant dashboard.
      4. Section 4- Project report, CA certificate confirming past performance details of applicant/ sister concern, CA Certificate of resources of applicant/ promoters, Scheduled Caste declaration, Persons with disability declaration prepared through the download link alongwith other relevant documents can be uploaded through this section. The documents can be uploaded in one go or in piecemeal. After uploading all the required documents and completing this section, use ‘Save & proceed to payment’ button. In case, complete documents have not been uploaded in one go or application is not intended to be submitted at this stage, use ‘Save & Exit’ button for completing this section later on by uploading the rest of the documents.
    7. After successful submission of the application, the applicant shall be taken to the make payment link. The applicant can make either on-line payment through payment gateway or can generate prefilled challan through the system for making payment in offline mode (NEFT/RTGS). The applicant can also use the make payment link available in Applicant/Allottee dashboard. The applicant shall be required to download the acknowledgement through applicant dashboard. The applicant shall be required to send a signed copy of the acknowledgement to HSIIDC within prescribed period as per instructions given in the acknowledgement. The application shall be processed by HSIIDC only after receipt of signed copy of the printed acknowledgement.
    8. Once the application has been submitted successfully, the applicant will not be allowed to modify/update the data/information. However, provision for re-uploading of documents is allowed in case the same not found in order at the time of scrutiny of application by HSIIDC. Also, the user will be allowed to update some information w.r.t. change of address, E-mail ID, password, bank account details for refund using the Applicant dashboard.